JC Board of Education votes to return all students to Plan A

At a special called session on March 22, the Johnston County Board of Education voted to return students in grades 6-12 on Plan A.

Effective April 12, any student who is currently receiving face-to-face instruction will attend every day except Wednesdays, which will continue to be used for deep cleaning and sanitizing. 

As a result of this board action, a calendar change was necessary, making Wednesday, March 31 an in-person learning day for students in grades PreK-5 as well as students in grades 6-12 in Cohort B. Thursday, April 1 is now a remote learning day for all students. 

Wellness checks and mask-wearing will continue to be required safety measures. Please also know that virtual instruction continues to be an option.

Parents will be contacted by Wednesday, March 24 by their school with specific instructions.